WITH the gender pay gap and fear of walking home alone at night – it may seem like there are a lot of drawbacks to being a woman in 2025.
However, some men are now openly transitioning into women in order to cash in on the benefits, including free meals and cheaper car insurance.
While there are many reasons why people choose to transition, this is the distinct world of “transmaxxing”, where men who are struggling with their gender identity are seeking a new way of living.
At the heart of the movement is reinforcing traditional gender roles, with men being providers and women in a supporting role.
A “Transmaxxing Manifesto” written by anonymous Swedish leader Vintologi outlines the “’superiority of female aesthetics” and how they can “extract resources from males.”
The document, available on transmaxxing forums, highlights how transitioning can also give them “access to female spaces” which are “cleaner and generally more pleasant.”
One person who has transitioned for a number of reasons is Sammy, who starred on Channel 4 documentary Transmaxxer Life Uncovered.
Although they defined stereotypical men as being “dominant, successful and outgoing”, they said they couldn’t apply any of these words to them, leading to them feeling “isolated.”
Sammy, who is in their early twenties, is now enjoying life as a female after going on hormone replacement therapy.
She has now been offered “a lot” of free meals and drinks from men, and – having been previously unlucky in love – now has a boyfriend.
Sammy shared in the show: “I don’t want to spend 70 hours a week working or get a personal trainer to become a ‘true man’.”
Her boyfriend added: “[Transmaxxing] definitely isn’t for everyone.
“But if it makes you happier, then I don’t see why some people wouldn’t do it.”
As she dished out a takeaway in one scene, Sammy joked that she had a “lot to learn” if she was going to be a “traditional stay-at-home wife.”
Documentary host Ben Zand pointed out how another benefit of transitioning is cheaper car insurance.
Sammy said: “You should take every advantage given to you […]
“I don’t think that’s a primary reason to transition but it’s definitely a secondary reason.”
WHEN it comes to gender identity there are a whole host of terms that activists acknowledge.
But a key notion is respect, as campaigner Jane Fae stated: “Ask politely, listen to what individuals have to say and respect what they tell you. It’s a principle and an approach to life that will take you a long way – and not just with the transgender community.”
Transgender is generally used as an umbrella term for people who view their gender as being different from what they were born with.
Gender in this sense is more than mere chromosomes but an internal sense of self being either male or female, or even some fluid sense that doesn’t fully fit either category.
Gender can also be expressed externally through things like clothing, behaviour and body characteristics.
There is no official estimate of the size of the transgender population in the UK but a study by the Gender Identity Research and Education Society, funded by the Home Office, estimated the number to be between 300-500,000.
Transsexual is a term used by some people who permanently change their bodies, usually, but not always, using hormones or surgery.
But some people who go through this process – known as the ‘transition’ – prefer to be known simply as transgender, rather than transsexual.
Non-binary people are those who don’t feel male or female. They may feel like both or like something in between or no gender at all.
Transmaxxing is the practice of changing genders not because one feels any kind of dysphoria, but purely to gain the perceived benefits of becoming another gender.
Sammy isn’t the only person who has been tempted by the transmaxxer life and the benefits it can bring.
Photographer David Bailey’s son Sascha has spoken about how he almost transitioned to become a woman during the break up of his marriage to Tokyo lawyer Mimi Nishikawa.
In FOMA magazine, he wrote: “The pressure of having money, providing, being strong, tall and tough is not something all men can nor is it necessary for them to do, but the perception still sticks.
“In the end, it is understandable why many will check out from this role as provider or becoming a ‘high value’ male may not even be possible for some, i.e. if you are short, you will never be tall […]
“The first community I met with was Transmaxxing. The idea on the surface [is], at least for ‘low value’ males, it would be better to just transition and become a girl.”
Former model Sacha, 29, who decided against changing his gender is now set to be a father with Lucy Brown, 34, according to the MailOnline.